I'm Georgia
and welcome to my page about me!
I am a recent graduate with a degree in Industrial Design with a minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, from Carnegie Mellon University.
I am passionate about 3-D modeling and rendering and have a well-rounded background in different fabrication skills. I enjoy making enchanted objects that create a sense of magic in others.
: georgia.jungle
: gejmiller2171@gmail.com
: 860-307-2857
A Collection of Catan BugsShows Over the YearsCompleting my dream... Nintendo WorldIf She Fits, She sitsAll Hail the CornMidnight Snow FightsSnake CatchingTurtle HuntingJohn and JohnHolding the Bag... Counting the Wood PeckersNew Table FunctionHe did not like meScooby!First time BackpackingHair DyingCrittersI try my best to have fun where ever I go. From playing games, finding critters, and meeting my hero Scooby.